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Founded in 2020, ZEIT is a glocal community dedicated to the study of futures and trends, with a focus on Exponential Humanities. Our goal is to research and help build Preferred Futures, always related to human expressions.
We're present in 16 countries and growing.
"ZEIT" means TIME, coming from the term "zeitgeist" in German, which roughly translates to Spirit of the Times and originates from the Latin expression "genius seculi."You can think of Zeitgeist as the intricate dynamics of the intellectual, social, and cultural climate of a particular time and place.
think tank
As a think tank, we conduct future and trend research, discussions based on futures thinking, future literacy, and general content and articles in this area.
As a movement, our 4 principles are to think globally and act locally, seek tomorrow while practicing today, manifest individuality through collective awareness, and observe neutrally while taking proactive action.
Think Tank
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