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Daniel Galarza

Z-O from Paraguay

code ZO-006

My name is Daniel Galarza. I am an Communications and Branding Professional.


I have been working for almost 8 years with brands as a strategist and creative thinker. I lead a team of advertising professionals that include graphic designers, creative copywriters, programmers that work from home.


My team is called Hakembo, we believe in investing in one's communication as an organization or invidual since it iw what enables anyone to create bonds between people, specially customer relationships. 

The main aspect I treasure the most about team work is the fact that I can be questioned about my views and challenged to think outside the box. I think of my peers as dreamers with their own lives and family. I see them and they have become one of my most important motivations in life. 

I believe in communicating, I believe in teams.

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